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What to Know When Owning Vacation Homes in Florida

Picture of Written by: Rodrigo Ogliari

Written by: Rodrigo Ogliari

Owner of CEO Restoration | Master Water Restorer | MRSR#3893

Owning a vacation home is an excellent choice for many people. Especially for those who live in northern regions, having a way to escape down to Florida during the bitter cold or rainy months is an incredible asset. Furthermore, being able to rent out said home can also be an extremely lucrative option. People are always looking for different places to stay, and services such as Airbnb have exploded in popularity over the last few years. But one huge problem pertaining to vacation homes in Florida is controlling mold. Mold can ruin homes and is hazardous to the health of anyone living in said home.

In this article, we will review the best tips to help you keep your Florida vacation home mold-free.

Tip #1: Understand How Mold Grows

As the famous quote by Miyamoto Musashi goes: “Know your enemy. Know his sword.” In order to eliminate mold and prevent it from forming, you need to understand how it operates. According to the Florida Department of Health, mold requires only nutrients, a proper area to grow and proliferate, and moisture in order to develop. Therefore, if you remove these items from your vacation home, and take all reasonable steps to prevent these things from accumulating, your chances of developing mold will be much lower.

Tip #2: Prevent Excess Water from Accumulating in your Home

Of the three items required for mold to grow, water accumulation is essentially the only one that can be well-controlled. Through the use of a dehumidifier, you can markedly reduce the chances of mold formation. These devices, along with air conditioners, help to decrease the amount of moisture in the home and thereby decrease the possibility of mold formation.

Other tips to prevent water from accumulating include:

  • Cleaning up spilled drinks immediately,
  • Avoiding the use of carpeting in areas where moisture is likely,
  • Sealing outside areas that may let water in during storms or floods.

Tip #3: Be Careful with the Use of Bleach

While bleach can destroy mold spores, it should be used with caution. In most cases, mold can be prevented and eliminated by thoroughly cleaning areas where mold is likely to develop. If you have a particularly problematic case of mold growth, you may choose to use bleach. However, you should be very careful and ensure that you follow all safety precautions when handling the substance.

Tip #4: Regularly Check Your Home for Mold

If you’ve been out of town for a while or have gone a few months without checking for mold, be sure to perform a house-wide inspection. Mold can grow quickly and can become hard to control in very little time if you don’t keep on top of it. Making a plan for monthly mold inspection is a good way to recognize signs of early mold formation and take steps to stop it in its tracks. As the old adage goes, “it’s much easier to prevent a problem from ever occurring, than attempt to address it after the fact.”

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